5 Habits of a Dysfunctional Deliverance Ministry

5 Habits of a Dysfunctional Deliverance Ministry

Over the years I have noted the marks of a healthy deliverance ministry within the church – and some of the characteristics that lead to disaster. Below are five habits of a highly dysfunctional deliverance ministry:

1. Believe that only the gifted can minister deliverance. What you don’t want in your church is an elitist hit squad of God’s Special Forces going around seeking whom they may deliver. Having said that, you do want well-trained mature believers who can be called together at required times to minister in the love and power of Jesus Christ. I have found that some of the best-trained people were once those who needed deliverance the most – high-maintenance individuals who are now healthy, functioning believers who are being used by God to help others.

A Cleansing and Transformation

A Cleansing and Transformation

Singing, shouting, crying, relief, salvation, release, the Holy Spirit, an anointing, and one on one time with God. These are just a handful of things you will experience through the Cleansing Stream Ministry and retreat. What is the Cleansing Stream Ministry? It is a ministry that thrives on its' namesake; a spiritual cleansing.

Having been a part of two Cleansing Stream sessions, I can say without hesitation that Cleansing Stream Ministry is a life changing experience. My two bouts in this wonderful ministry have been both as a participant and Intercessor.

Deliverance - Lifestyle

Deliverance - Lifestyle

Some would suggest that deliverance ministry merely caters to weak-minded Christians looking for a quick fix. Hospital emergency rooms and ICUs are filled with people who need a “quick fix.” Some arrived there through their own fault and others by accident. In either case, they probably need to have some long-term rehabilitation once they are past the critical stage.

In the same way, deliverance offers a needed operation that must be followed up with long-term lifestyle changes.

Deliverance - Extra Baggage

Deliverance - Extra Baggage

Most believers carry “extra baggage” from the past into their Christian walks. And although we have been perfected through His work on the cross, there is still a work to be done – a process – as I am being sanctified (see Heb 10:14). This sanctification process does not go unchallenged by Satan.

Your Kingdom Come

Your Kingdom Come

Scripture is clear about the Father's desire to be in relationship with His children. One way to do that is to effectively enter into prayer and intercession. In this way, we learn to recognize His heart, hear His voice, and discern how to act upon the prompts He gives us. Your Kingdom Come is a vehicle that gives instructions on how to accomplish that goal.  It is a roadmap to discovering His will as we drawn into intimate communion with Him. Learning how to establish a partnership with Him transforms us into His image.  As we become closer to Him through prayer and intercession, we discover the knowingness that comes with having the mind of Christ, as well as living a Spirit-led life.

Islam & Spiritual Freedom

Islam & Spiritual Freedom

Mark Durie is a trained researcher, and the information he presents is uniquely selected and presented to help participants understand and engage with Islam.  This is not second-hand information, but is based on research into primary sources, much of which has been translated for the first time by Dr. Durie and his team.  What is contained in this seminar is not readily available from other sources.  Even those who have been involved in ministry to Muslims for decades have found Dr. Durie's seminars revelatory and deeply impacting.