Cleansing Stream in the Netherlands

Warm greetings from a small European country, The Netherlands!

20 years ago we started with this beautiful ministry “Cleansing Stream” and since then have seen approximately 5,000 people go through the seminars and events. Hearing the testimonies of God’s healing and deliverance in the lives of so many is a continual blessing for us.


The seminars here are a little different to other larger countries. We are able to give the seminars live in various churches around the country where participants from different churches can come together and hear the practical and so needed messages of hope and life.


The dutch speaking side of Belgium joined us more than 10 years ago. Our cultures are a little different but we are so thankful to be able to work together and pray for each other.

Just recently we were able to witness the beautiful touch of God in the lives of teenages who went through the seminars and retreat specifically for young people. Many gave their lives to the Lord as well as receiving healing and deliverance. God is so good!

We have included one of the many powerful testimonies of Gods healing and deliverance. Please feel free to read Annemieke’s testimony of what God has done in her life after receiving prayer at a Cleansing Stream event.

Many blessings!

Peter & Jennifer Dijkstra

Peter & Jennifer Dijkstra

Peter and Jennifer Dijkstra

So much has happened in my life since the 19th of May 2017, the day that I was prayed for and received liberation and all voices and the psychosis disorder disappeared from my life. It was quiet in my head, so quiet that I really could not oversee the impact. I had to believe that God had done a miracle through people, but for how long? How small-minded I was. I talked to God about it and very slowly it dawned on me, and I allowed myself to believe that this was the turn around that I had been praying for every day for 14 years, and now, if this is for real, how can I continue?
After walking on a pink cloud for two whole weeks, and occasionally calling someone to tell them about this miracle, I went to see the doctor and shared my story. She reacted positively surprised and was happy for me, we agreed to leave half of the medication and take the plunge. After two weeks I had enough. If God says that it is quiet and it remains quiet, then why half. I returned to the doctor, and we agreed to stop the medication completely. She said that my body would react and that it would take about 6 months to a year. That was true but now after 6 months my body is doing well.
Looking back on the last half year I can say that it is still quiet in my head. I can feel again, and am as happy as a child, with the new discoveries ever-changing. I get up in the morning and I can keep going right throughout the day, and often the evening too. I have already processed a lot, God has shown me things in small segments and let it come to mind. I can hear a beautiful song from within and then thank God for everything He does. I can let go and bring to God what has not been good all those years and know that He was there with me and always kept me close to Him. He protected me in the very darkest psychoses, even though I knew nothing at that time. My energy level is growing and my muscles are strengthening. I have discovered with a big smile that I can shop without experiencing misery from a head that cannot handle it. The low-stimulus life I lived has made way for a vibrant life.
Great thanks go especially to the people who prayed for me during the Cleansing Stream retreat. They fought with me, were safe, and loving.
Be glad with this mission! I want to bless you and pray God’s goodness out over you!! You are a blessing to many in His hand.
— Annemieke